Resurrected to a New Life of Justice
What does it mean to be a resurrected people? This Easter Season, starting with the second sunday of Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday, the province's Commission for Justice and Peace is going to help us explore this question. We are going to offer you each week an example homily based on the readings of that week that touches on an important theme of justice, along with other resources of the Church that will help you to preach about this issue.
Certainly, if we are a resurrected people, then we live justly and work to make our world more just. These are difficult times, but this pandemic shows us just how connected we all are one to another. This is a time to think about our society and whether or not it is fashioned after the teachings of Jesus.
The topics for each week are the following:
- Easter Sunday: Welcome
- Second Sunday of Easter: Immigration
- Third Sunday of Easter: Human Trafficking
- Fourth Sunday of Easter: Peace and Security for All Life
- Fifth Sunday of Easter: Economic Justice
- Sixth Sunday of Easter: Climate Justice
- Ascension Sunday: Racism
These themes are developed from our six major priority areas of our US and Canadian region of the Dominican Family. You can find a downloadable copy below.